BC Energy Step Code Market Response Study

2021 Market Response Study: Summary Report

Cover of 2021 Market Response Study: Summary Report

This summary explores how the BC Energy Step Code is impacting residential construction practices and costs over time and across B.C. It summarises the key takeaways from the second phase of the BC Energy Step Code Market Response Monitoring Project.

2021 Market Response Study

BC Energy Step Code Market Response Study 2021 cover

This report marks the second phase of the BC Energy Step Code Market Response Study. The purpose of this ongoing research project is to better understand the impact of the BC Energy Step Code on residential construction practices and costs over time and across British Columbia. It involves a survey of B.C. builders and residential construction professionals. The information collected will better support industry stakeholders across B.C. in adapting to the BC Energy Step Code.

2019 Market Response Study

BC Energy Step Code Market Response Study 2019 cover

This study pulls together information provided by B.C. builders and residential construction professionals to help better understand the BC Energy Step Code’s impact on housing design and costs over time. The report will support industry stakeholders across B.C. in adapting to the BC Energy Step Code.